Double Trouble
Techno peak time/ Acid/ Hard techno/ Industrial
Aurore & Salomé came to this world together, they rave together and they set dancefloors on fire as Double Trouble. Since they were kids, they loved loud and punchy music.
That childhood love never went away. Having an ongoing love affair with techno, apart from raving in France and abroad, lately they are spending a lot of their time learning how to use software and hardware in order to make the music they love.
Already two released on digital platforms, “Black Roses“ (Technocracy Records) and “Colossus“ (Dolma Red).
Also, the track “Acid Rebellion” is their first released on their band camp.
Their next EP “Dynasty of Freaks'' , with a track that has been played by Nina Kraviz; should be released soon, and also a single track on VA for Fluctuat Records.
Lately the twins are focused in getting more involved in the underground techno scene of Paris, with a sole purpose to make as many people as possible, dance to their techno groove.
They have already played in a few huge venues as " The Rex Club" in Paris ; and Qloom events in Italy.
Artists as Adam Beyer, Ben Klock, Rebekah, Len Faki and labels as DRUMCODE, Second State Audio, Noir Music Official and Soma Records are their main influences.
Émergentes des nuits parisiennes et passionnées par l'apprentissage du son, des instruments et de la production, le très prometteur duo de jumelles Double Trouble ne cesse de se faire remarquer avec leur techno rythmée et percutante.
Déjà deux sorties : “Black Roses“ (Technocracy Records) et “Colossus“ (Dolma Red) disponible sur les plateformes digitales.
Également disponible, leur toute nouvelle sortie “Acid Revolution” en version digitale sur la plateforme bandcamp.
Leur prochain EP “Dynasty of Freaks“ devrait sortir prochainement ; ainsi qu'une track sur une VA du label Fluctuat Records.
Elles partagent cette passion sur des scènes légendaires comme celle du Rex club.
Leur symbiose s'étend déjà au-delà des frontières comme par exemple tout dernièrement au Qloom en Italie et nous les attendons avec impatience pour un set 100% TECHNO comme on les aime, à la fois lourde de basses et punchy !